A very short case for process.

Nonso Mbaelina
1 min readFeb 8, 2024
A photo from Pinterest I believe to be unrelated to the content.

It’s really awesome learning things from the basics, that way you never really forget. Even when you leave it for a while, you can always get back on track with some revision. For example where do you start when you want to learn python? Do you go writing long lines of codes, or perhaps you first understand its syntax?

Knowing the fundamentals is also about the process or understanding its structure. When you follow the process you might have a chance to enjoy the task, and with compound interest, you can have a happier life. I believe there is a structure to everything. I say “the process” for good reason. Every situation is unique. You need to establish very clearly the demands of every stage. Once it works, stick to it and keep finding ways to make it better. Remember it goes without saying — you should be dynamic. Change when it is needed.

